Welcome all new joinings, hope all are good, friends if group msgs distrub or notify more to you..pls make d notification off options but dont delete or come out of group 💔💔💕💕💕
ग्रुप आईडी
ग्रुप लेवल
ग्रुप स्वामी
निर्माण तिथि
May 13, 2016
ग्रुप विवरण
Hi friendz.. tis group for all u share their positive qoutes👍, broken linez 💔, poemz💑 and all good writingz which make otherz feel good !! .. socialable girls🌷 welcome 👭👭.. fakerz goo away.. 🙅.. nerdz an unmannerd ll b removed..💕💕